title = "Real-time license plate detection under various conditions",
abstract = "This paper proposes an algorithm for real-time license plate detection. In this algorithm, the relatively easy car plate features are adopted including the simple statistical feature and Harr-like feature. The simplicity of the object features used is very helpful to real-time processing. The classifiers based on statistical features decrease the complexity of the system. They are followed by the classifiers based on Haar-like features, which makes the final classifier invariant to the brightness, color, size and position of license plates. The experimental results obtained by the proposed algorithm exhibit the encouraging performance.",
author = "Huaifeng Zhang and Wenjing Jia and Xiangjian He and Qiang Wu",
year = "2006",
doi = "10.1007/11833529_20",
language = "English",
isbn = "3540380914",
series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
pages = "192--199",
booktitle = "Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing - Third International Conference, UIC 2006, Proceedings",
address = "Germany",
note = "3rd International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, UIC 2006 ; Conference date: 03-09-2006 Through 06-09-2006",