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Personal profile

Research Interests

Dr. Heshan Du has research interests in logic, knowledge representation and reasoning, geospatial information systems, ontologies and semantic web, knowledge graph, etc.


Personal profile

Dr. Heshan Du is an assistant professor in the School of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). She holds BSc and PhD degrees from the University of Nottingham, where she studied under Dr. Natasha Alechina in the School of Computer Science and Prof. Mike Jackson in the Nottingham Geospatial Institute. Before joining UNNC, Heshan was a research fellow in the AI group led by Prof. Anthony Cohn at the University of Leeds.



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Research Gate:


  • Mathematics for Computer Scientists
  • Algorithms Correctness and Efficiency
  • Programming and Algorithms

Person Types

  • Staff


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