Personal profile

Personal profile

I graduated from Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) with a Master in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics.

In 2010, I joined UNNC’s Language Centre in the School of International Communication as a Mandarin tutor. I was the Health and Safety Officer for School of International Communication from 2012 to 2013. Between 2013 and 2015, I was a stage coordinator in the Language Centre. Since 2017, I was the Professional Development Coordinator for the Language Centre. In this role, I organized sharing amongst colleagues on what they learn about teaching languages from conferences they have attended and best practices in teaching and learning languages. I invited guest speakers to give their presentations and trainings on language teaching and learning. In 2018, I organized for the Language Centre the Team Building Day in Ningbo Museum.

In 2017, I initiated and organised the Language Learning Forum for foreign students to share their Chinese language learning experience so as to improve their mastery of the Chinese language. This was very successful and was continued in 2018. In 2019, I plan to extend the Language Learning Forum to all languages taught in the UNNC Language Centre.

I constantly upgrade myself to keep up with recent developments in Mandarin teaching: in May 2018, I attended a HSK test paper design programme in Nanjing University of the Arts; in July 2018, I audited a Professional Development Programme on Teaching Mandarin for Business in the International Cultural Exchange School at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

My current research interest is on the pedagogies of teaching Mandarin Chinese as a second language. My master thesis analyses the relationship between verb and preposition in Chinese linguistics. In 2013, I presented my research on applying corpus linguistics to the etymological analysis of the Chinese phrase ‘jiangjun’(general). This research was later published as a paper in an edited volume on Research and Explorations on the Uniqueness of the Chinese Language published by Xuelin Press in 2015 



  • Mandarin stage 1-6
  • Mandarin listening & speaking stage 3
  • Mandarin for Business
  • Mandarin evening class
  • Mandarin summer school
  • Staff Mandarin class


  • PGCHE 15 credit.
  • HSK test paper design programme, Nanjing University of the Arts. May 2018
  • Professional Development Programme on Teaching Mandarin for Business in the International Cultural Exchange School at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. July 2018

Research Interests

Expertise Summary

  • Linguistics
  • Corpus linguistics
  • Pedagogies in teaching Chinese and Chinese linguistics

Research Interest

  • Pedagogies of teaching Mandarin Chinese as a second language
  • Application of corpus linguistics

Person Types

  • Staff


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