Personal profile


  • MATH1027 Calculus
  • MATH1046 Mathematical Methods for Architectural and Environmental Engineering
  • MMME1042 Mathematics for Engineers

Research Interests

My research interests include sparse optimization, compressed sensing, sparse signal reconstruction algorithms, and sparsity-related machine learning.

Published Papers:

  • Meng, N., Zhao, Y. B., Kočvara, M., & Sun, Z. (2022). Partial gradient optimal thresholding algorithms for a class of sparse optimization problems. Journal of Global Optimization84(2), 393-413.
  • Meng, N., & Zhao, Y. B. (2022). Newton-type optimal thresholding algorithms for sparse optimization problems. Journal of the Operations Research Society of China10(3), 447-469.
  • Meng, N., & Zhao, Y. B. (2020). Newton-step-based hard thresholding algorithms for sparse signal recovery. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing68, 6594-6606.
  • Sun, Z. F., Zhou, J. C., Zhao, Y. B., & Meng, N. (2023). Heavy-ball-based hard thresholding algorithms for sparse signal recovery. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 115264.

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, University of Birmingham

Award Date: 13 Jul 2022

Person Types

  • Staff


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