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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr Yang is an associate professor in geotechnical engineering. He received his PhD from the University of Oklahoma. He has a wide range of research interests. One of them is to develop elastoplastic constitutive models for soil under various loading conditions. He studies the principal stress rotation by using the hollow cylinder apparatus and double simple shear testing system. He employs the finite element method and discrete element method to study soil behaviour and soil-structure interactions under diverse loading conditions, such as earthquake, wave, tunnelling and traffic loadings. He is also interested in bulk solid behaviour in silos.

Dr Yang has published more than 30 SCI indexed articles, mostly as the first and corresponding authors. He was awarded many research grants at municipal, provincial and national levels. He supervised 6 PhD students to completion as the principal supervisor. Their dissertation titles and areas of study are given below.

1) Zhe Wang (09/2012-12/2015): Numerical Simulations of Geotechnical Engineering Problems Considering the Principal Stress Rotation; Employment: deptuy dean in Lisui University

2) Yao Li (09/2013-09/2016): Shear Behaviour of Sand in Bi-directional Direct Simple Shear Tests; Employment: full professor in Chang'an University

3) Nan Lu (09/2015-03/2019): Elastoplastic Constitutive Modelling of Clay Behaviour under Principal Stress Rotation; Employment: chief manager in Green Garden Real Estate

4) Min Zhang (12/2016-06/2020): DEM Study of Principal Stress Rotation in Granular Material; Employment: assistant professor in Henan University

5) Hanwen Zhang (09/2016-09/2020): Static, Cyclic and Post-Cyclic Shear Behaviour of Granular Material under Multi-Directional Simple Shear; Employment: teaching fellow of CELE at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China

6) Juntian Wang (09/2019-06/2023): An Experimental Study on The Effects of Initial Shear Stress Using Multidirectional Simple Shear Testing; Employment: assistant professor in Chang'an University

Dr Yang is currently supervising a few PhD students. If you are interested in research in geotechnical engineering, feel free to contact him, and scholarship can be provided.


CIVE1015 Hydraulics 1

CIVE1018 Portfolio of Civil Engineering Studies

CIVE2052 Portfolio of Civil Engineering Studies 2

CIVE2029 Geotechnics 2

CIVE3049 Geotechnics 3

Person Types

  • Staff


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