Head of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Associate Professor in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Director of Next Generation Internet of Everything Laboratory (NGIoE Lab)


Research activity per year

Personal profile




[Postgraduate] Mobile Communications with Project
[Undergraduate] Computer Aided Engineering, Professional studies, Mobile technologies, Software Engineering Design, IT Infrastructure, Web Based Programming

Research Interests

Mobile networks (4G, 5G, wireless sensors), machine learning, electronic communications, radio propagation, satellite communication networks, VANET, IoT networking

Professional Information

IET Academic Programme Accreditor since 2018

IET International Professional Registration Advisor since 2018

IET Professional Review Interviewer (PRI) for CEng/IEng candidate on behalf of the IET. 

Elected IET Council Memberin the UK for 2011 – 2014.

Committee member of the IET Malaysia Network (2008 – 2011).

Chairman of the Young Professionals Section of the IET Malaysia Network (2008 to 2010).

Honorary Secretary, Young Professionals Section, IET Malaysia Network (2007 to 2008).

International Task Force Leader, IET Young Professional Summit 2011, London, United Kingdom. 14th October 2011.

Member of the IET Community Engagement Programme Advisory Group, Sept 2010 – Nov 2011.

Professional Information

IET Academic Accreditation Committee since 2021

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, PhD in Mobile Communications, Multimedia University

Award Date: 15 Jun 2016

Master, Master of Science (Distinction) in Personal, Mobile and Satellite Communications, University of Bradford

Award Date: 29 Aug 2003

Bachelor, Bachelor of Engineering (First Class Honour) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Hertfordshire

Award Date: 15 May 2001

External positions

Adjunct Associate Professor, INTI International University

1 Aug 2021 → …

Academic Accreditation Accreditor, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

1 Sept 2018 → …


  • Information and Communication Engineering

Person Types

  • Staff


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