title = "A cost sensitiviy analysis for carrier grade wireless mesh networks with tabu optimization",
abstract = "We present an insight on the sensitivity of total cost (CAPEX+OPEX) towards various key input parameters for CARrier Grade Wireless MEsh Networks (CARMEN). deployment These input parameters span across three main categories namely the network design options, environment conditions and cost. Various boundary conditions are imposed to allow network operator to understand the impacts of parameters' changes with the highest level of uncertainty. A simple Tabu optimization method is adopted to optimize the node density against target data rate and range.",
keywords = "Cost analysis, Radio planning, Wireless mesh network",
author = "David Chieng and Hugo, {Dirk V.} and Albert Banchs",
year = "2010",
doi = "10.1109/INFCOMW.2010.5466676",
language = "English",
isbn = "9781424467396",
series = "Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM",
booktitle = "INFOCOM 2010 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops",
note = "IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, INFOCOM 2010 ; Conference date: 15-03-2010 Through 19-03-2010",